Framing the Light – SBP Photography Project

Bruno’s EV Project

Posted in Controlling the Exposure, Uncategorized by brunorafael91 on May 8, 2009

In this photo the EV was at + 2.0 which makes it seems that the dark has a great amount of light but really its a dull environment. The higher the EV is the more light the picture seems to have.

This picture was taken with an EV of -2.0 which makes the room darker then it really is. No matter how light the room is, when you decrees the EV it makes the picture seem to be in the dark room.

This picture was taken with an EV of zero which makes the picture realistic. This shows how light or dark the room really is.

In this project I figured out that the greater the EV the more light the picture is going to have. ON the contrary, the smaller the EV the less light the picture will have. You can make it seem that its night time at 12 noon by just decreasing the EV to a negative number.

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